“Migration” to the Netherlands
The Netherlands is the most law-abiding country in Europe. And its convenient geographical location makes it possible to build good connections with both America and Europe, including Ukraine and Russia — the main consumers of traffic of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. And it is also possible to host legal sites for adults in the Netherlands, which is impossible in many other countries due to imperfect legislation, or possible with restrictions. For example, in almost all of Germany, with a plug and paid access, it is allowed, but not in the public domain. For some reason, even there politicians do not think about the fact that minors, if necessary, can use a parent’s card or go to a site hosted in another region, where there are no restrictions.
We have become one of the largest traffic generators
For someone it is an insignificant figure, but for us it is significant, for comparison, the bandwidth of all channels in Africa was only 4 times higher, but we were obviously not in Africa :) . Nevertheless, not every Data Center generates more than a quarter of a terabit per network. We managed to become one of the big traffic generators in a little over a year. And we continue to grow.

First office
In 2015 we started to work as a sales department from one office, forming a full-fledged team of ua-hosting.company. Not all of them “survived” and continue to work in the company, but everyone definitely gained invaluable experience. This is our history, and we are proud of everyone.
We started work in the new international domain ua—hosting.company
We started with a new website, new billing, and new unique services. Over the years we have accumulated a lot of experience. All this allowed us to create a unique hosting service with transparent tariff plans. Moreover, computing resources are not limited strictly and only traffic is taken into account. This approach is clear and comfortable for the user.

Conference in Los Angeles
We have never spared for development and have sponsored various events, including sponsoring a conference in Los Angeles, becoming on a par with such famous brands as Huawei and Lenovo, but sending there the largest number of representatives of all business representatives, not looking at ROI and other parameters, but paying attention to the main thing — people.
For more than 10 years we have been working for you at any time of the day and night from all over the world, sometimes our office is located in an ordinary subway or in an airplane cabin.
But we always get work done, regardless of the conditions. Read more in our article:
Исповедь босса: как работать путешествуя, уволить половину отдела в LA и зачем спонсировать МексЭтноЭксп Тёмы Лебедева